Recent work

Groove thumbnail


React NativeLivekitFirebaseGoogle Cloud

As a full-stack developer, I assisted with the implementation and improvement of many features, including real-time chat, search, task management, and video calling. I also assisted with the technical screening process as we built out the team.

Hubstaff thumbnail


Ruby on RailsVueJSVuexd3

I worked with Hubstaff on a part-time basis to consult on their migration to Vue.js. I established and enforced development standards and helped mentor their existing team of developers as they acclimated to the Vue ecosystem. Other work included implementation of new interactive charts and visualizations with Vue and d3 as well as backend Rails work.

Yala (RIP 💀) thumbnail

Yala (RIP 💀)

ElixirPhoenix FrameworkVueJSVuexSlack APIPostgreSQLAWSffmpeg

Yala was a Slack integration and web app for social posting and branded custom image/video composition. As CTO, I built the initial app from the ground up, hired and managed the development team, and also performed all DevOps work. Notable features included an in-browser composer for custom images and stop-motion videos and a system to analyze engagement performance to build an ideal posting schedule. You can see some of Yala in action in a demo video over here.

Pinecone (RIP 💀) thumbnail

Pinecone (RIP 💀)

Ruby on RailsAngularJS v1Stripe Connect APIPostgreSQLRedisElasticsearchAWS

Pinecone was a single-page checkout system for small sellers and was spun out from Mad Mimi during the GoDaddy acquisition. I was brought on as CTO to lead development and stand up a small development team. The business eventually pivoted into Yala, outlined above.

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