Hello! Glad to have you here. Welcome to my brand new personal portfolio. Who am I? I’m Jeff, a product-focused full-stack developer of web and mobile apps. Software development can be quite the journey so I’m hoping to offer a little bit of the insight that I’ve learned over the 10+ years that I’ve been at this game.
It’s been quite a while since I’ve built a personal site for myself. After a bit of experimenting this is the stack I landed on:
This is the first time I’ve built anything using Astro and am really enjoying the experience so far. This site is of course fully open source so feel free to view, fork, and criticize the code over here. Thank you to Manuel Ernesto for providing an excellent starting point via the Astrofy template, which I’ve highly modified into what you see now.
Finally, if you’re looking for help with a development project, get in touch here and let’s see if we’re a good fit to work together.